Stormöte-samhällsvetenskapsfakulteten2Social movements worldwide today increasingly emphasize the connection between social and ecological issues, and calls for direct democracy and decentralisation. The Kurdish revolution in particular is awaking our imaginary, demonstrating that building a revolutionary society that resonates with the principles of social ecology is possible and happening.


Friday August 28, 17:00-19:30, Patras Social Center:

The legacy of Murray Bookchin

Saturday August 29, 14:00 – 15:30, Patras Social Center:

Workshop: Social movements and radical democracy – how do we exchange experiences and practices of participatory democracy? International gathering 2016? (Facilitator: Malin  Widehammar)

Saturday August 29, 15:45 – 17:15, Patras Social Center:

Roundtable discussion: Social Ecology in Practice

Sunday August 30, 17:30 – 18:30, Patras Social Center:

Workshop: Social Ecology and the Kurdish Question – What can we learn and how can we support the Rojava revolution? (Facilitator: Federico Venturini)

Read the full program here


Social Ecology in Practice